Friday, July 29, 2011

Gemini Ballad

Two sides of me,
you never know ...

one speaks lie, but the other speaks no lie
one hides the truth, but the other reveal the truth

my mouth speaks lie, but my heart speak the truth
my mouth hides a truth, but my heart reveal the truth

my eyes cannot hides a truth,
that my heart found you ...

my mouth might be shut, that my heart choose you
my mouth might be silent, that my heart wants you

I do feel being ignored, as this might be my punishment
I do feel being unacceptable, for being a beautiful liar

... will miracle show up on me?
... will fortune smile upon me?

[Indonesian version]

Dua sisi kepribadianku,
kamu tak pernah tahu ...

yang satu berdusta,
tapi yang satu lagi tak pernah bisa sembunyikan kebenaran

mulutku berkata bohong, tapi hatiku berkata benar
mulutku sembunyikan kebenaran, tapi hatiku ungkapkan kebenaran

mataku tak bisa menyembunyikan kebenaran,
bahwa hatiku telah menemukanmu ...

mulutku mungkin tertutup, bahwa hatiku memilihmu
mulutku mungkin diam, bahwa hatiku merindukanmu

Kini ku merasa terabaikan, karena mungkin ini hukuman untukku ...
Ku merasa tak pernah di anggap, karena aku tak pernah tahu ...

... akankah muncul keajaiban di hadapanku?
... akankah keberuntungan akan tersenyum padaku?

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