Friday, April 30, 2010

More Than Just Friends - Chapter 1: Reunited

Salah satu kegemaran yang saya suka sejak SMU adalah main game. Bagi saya, bermain game bukan saja demi hobby ataupun bersenang - senang pelepas stress, namun juga belajar sejarah ataupun menyimak cerita fiksinya. Namun tidak semua game memiliki cerita yang mendalam dan enak untuk disimak dan dimainkan terus menerus. Saya termasuk orang yang selektif terhadap hal ini. Jika ada game yang tidak menarik dari hal cerita dan gameplay, tentu saya tidak akan main. Namun jika game tersebut bagus berdasarkan kedua kategori tersebut, tentu saya mainkan terus, dan saya enjoy dengan hal itu. 

Salah satu game yang hingga saat ini masih suka saya mainkan (walaupun salah satu serinya "menghilang" tanpa jejak) adalah Dynasty Warriors (DW). Game ini memiliki cerita yang terus menerus sambung menyambung, kebanyaan masih seputar prekuel dan sekuel cerita yang sengaja dibuat berputar - putar yang belakangan "memang" membuat saya rada jengkel juga menyimak jalan ceritanya. 

Namun, menyimak kisah - kisah antar karakter membuat saya jadi lebih terhibur dan benar - benar seru memainkan game ini terus.

Salah satunya cerita "fiksi" rekaan dari hasil karya salah seorang Fanfanatic DW berikut yang mengambil kisah "romance" 2 karakternya, yang "entah" memang terjadi di game ataupun kisah epik yang sebenarnya. 

Jadi membaca kisah ini benar - benar terhibur ... ^_^


219 A.D. – Mt. Ding Jun

The orange afternoon sun was shining dimly over Mt. Ding Jun and the sounds of war filled the air. A handsome young man was surrounded by soldiers in dark blue armor. He swung his massive sword quickly and took down several men at once.

“Come and get it!” He growled.

His breathing was starting to become heavy as he stared at his most recent victim. The young man heard footsteps approach him and turned to notice a pair of long slender legs. His eyes traveled up and saw the beautiful face of his best friend.

“Xing Cai!” he called out and ran to the young woman.

“Guan Ping! It’s been so long! Have you… gotten a little taller?” she replied playfully.

Guan Ping blushed and scratched his head nervously. “Uh, I don’t know. I can’t exactly see myself grow.”

“Really? I thought… you looked… taller than before…”

Guan Ping nodded his confirmation. “We should catch up later Xing Cai, there are a lot of things to do.”

She nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Guan Ping turned and started running towards a group of Wei soldiers. “Stay behind me Xing Cai!”

She smiled. “You know, you don’t have to worry about me!”

Xing Cai expertly blocked an incoming sword with her shield and stabbed with her forked spear, Ambition. She let out a small grunt while she swung her spear around her tearing the armor and flesh of several enemy soldiers in the process.

Guan Ping swung his sword in a wide circular motion, killing everyone around him. He spotted Xing Cai out of the corner of his eye.

‘I guess I don’t have to…’

The battle raged on for hours and Guan Ping and Xing Cai eventually separated to fight on their own. Guan Ping growled as he continued to take down more and more Wei soldiers. Their strength was impressive and he was having some trouble keeping the soldiers away from him. He had barely finished clearing out a crowd of enemies when he spotted a Shu messenger.

“Lord Guan Ping!” the messenger cried out in exhaustion. “Lady Xing Cai is in trouble!”

The color drained from Guan Ping’s face and he quickly ran off to find her.

“The Lady’s unit is located at the base of the mountain!” the messenger called after him.

Xing Cai’s breath was getting erratic. She had only been in a few battles but she had never been in this much trouble before. Her unit’s morale was lowering but she kept her cool and continued to fight on.

‘I will not give up!’ she thought furiously. ‘Father… Guan Ping… lend me your strength.”

Her spear drew the blood of a few more soldiers, however, she turned to see three soldiers charge her with their spears. Xing Cai automatically raised her shield to defend herself but the force of impact knocked her back into the rocky base of Mt. Tian Dang. She collapsed onto the hard ground, her shield and Ambition fell just out of her reach and one of the soldiers that charged her leapt high into the air, ready to drive his spear through her body. She jerked her head to the side and closed her eyes, a small tear running down her cheek, waiting for death to claim her.

‘Forgive me everyone… I just couldn’t live up to your expectations…’ Xing Cai thought sadly.

Just then Guan Ping rushed in front of Xing Cai, his large sword blocking the attack. Using all of his strength, he swung his blade forward, cutting Xing Cai’s attacker in half. Beads of sweat slowly ran down the side of his face as he turned to check on his best friend.

“Xing Cai! Are you alright?” he asked in a panicked voice.

“Guan Ping… you risked your life… to save me?”

He smiled softly and offered his hand. “Of course, now come on… we need to get you back to the main camp.”

Her eyes widened in panic and quickly jumped up to gather her weapons. “No! I can still fight!”

“Xing Cai now is not the time to be proud. You’re hurt.” Guan Ping said rationally.

“Don’t worry about me Guan Ping! I can do this.” She said, quickly regaining her composure.

Guan Ping raised his eyebrow disbelievingly, but he decided to go along with her. Even though Xing Cai was more level headed than her father, she still had his stubbornness.

“Alright… but you’re staying with me for the rest of this battle.”

Xing Cai smiled widely. “Okay! Thank you Guan Ping.”

He nodded. “Come on… Cao Cao should be on top of this hill…”

After the battle cheers erupted from the Shu camp over their victory on Mt. Ding Jun. Thanks to Huang Zhong, Xiahou Yuan would no longer be a threat and the efforts of Guan Ping and Xing Cai forced Cao Cao to retreat. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu had arrived in the main camp outside of Mt. Ding Jun and were eagerly waiting to see their respective children.

“Hmm… where are they?” Zhang Fei asked impatiently. “I knew I should’ve taken Xing Cai to battle with me.”

“Calm down brother.” Guan Yu said softly. “I’m sure they’re… Oh! There they are now! Guan Ping! Xing Cai!”

The two brothers were surprised at the sight before them. Guan Ping had his sword strapped to his lower back and was carrying Xing Cai protectively in his arms.

Zhang Fei let out an obvious growl of disapproval. ‘What is this BOY doing holding MY daughter?’

Almost reading his brother’s thoughts Guan Yu replied exasperatedly. “It’s fine. They’ve been friends for a very long time. Why haven’t you gotten use to this yet?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zhang Fei said through clenched teeth.

Guan Ping approached the two men. “Father… Uncle Zhang Fei. Excuse us, I need to get Xing Cai to her tent, she was a little reckless in the last battle.”

Xing Cai made a face as they walked past their fathers. Zhang Fei was taken aback by the title that Guan Ping gave him. The young pair found Xing Cai’s tent a little while after they found their fathers. Guan Ping carefully laid his friend down on her soft, cloth covered straw bed.

“Where does it hurt?” Guan Ping asked with concern.

Xing Cai looked confused. “Why?”

“So… I can help. Father taught me these types of medical techniques.”

“It hurts everywhere…”

He rolled his eyes. “How about some specificity?”

“My back.” She answered immediately.

Guan Ping’s cheeks turned a little red when he realized he would have to undress her slightly to check for her wounds.

“What’s the matter?” Xing Cai interrupted his embarrassing thoughts.

“N-nothing…uh… I have to… umm… take off some of your… clothes…” he trailed off.

She blushed. “I… see…”

Xing Cai rose slowly and turned her back to him. “You have to untie the back of my dress…”

Guan Ping hesitantly followed her instructions and eventually opened the back of her dress. She laid down on her stomach and wait for Guan Ping to do whatever it was he was going to do.

He pushed his large hands against a spot on her back. “Does it hurt?”

Xing Cai winced slightly. “Yeah.”

He moved his hands up and down her exposed back, massaging her sore back and relieving her pain.

‘Wow… he’s good.’ Xing Cai in surprise. ‘Maybe one day… he’ll do this for me when I’m not hurt…’

He stopped suddenly. “Now, I think we should take care of that cut you have there.”

Xing Cai completely forgot about the cut she had gotten from Cao Cao when she and Guan Ping doubled teamed him on the mountain.

“Oh yeah… heh heh…” Xing Cai laughed nervously.

She watched Guan Ping pull out bandages and had already gotten soap and water to clean her wound.

‘I wonder… how do you think of me Guan Ping?’

A Dynasty Warriors Story: Guan Ping & Xing Cai (Side story and Funfanatic creation).


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