Friday, April 30, 2010

More Than Just Friends - Chapter 4: Heartfelt Confessions

'This… can't be good.' Xing Cai thought sadly as she prepared herself for battle. 'What is Lord Liu Bei thinking rushing into this battle? I… I want to avenge my father as well… but…'

Xing Cai sighed as she continued to march to meet Wu at Yi Ling. The moon was full and the night sky was filled with stars.

'It's a shame that a dishonorable battle is going to take place on such a beautiful night...'

"Lady Xing Cai! Our unit as fully assembled. We're ready to go on your command." A sergeant informed her.

Xing Cai nodded. "Okay. Attack once we catch sight of the enemy."

"Yes my lady."

'Hmm… Guan Ping… where could you be? You promised that we would see each other again…'

Her head snapped up when she heard a man scream in pain and she gasped when caught sight of… a massive blade.

'It can't be…'

Xing Cai quickly ran through the trees and found who she was looking for: Guan Ping.

"Guan Ping!" she called out. "I'm glad… that you're in once piece."

"Don't worry; I'm fine." Guan Ping responded emotionlessly. "But I'm not out of the fire yet. There are still a few things that I need to do."

With that said, he gripped his weapon and ran down the path towards an enemy base.

"Guan Ping…" Xing Cai whispered softly. 'I can't let him go this time!'

She ran full speed until she caught up with him at the base ahead. Xing Cai stabbed her weapon through a soldier's back and blocked an incoming sword with her shield. As she moved to strike her attacker, but he suddenly fell to the floor, revealing a stoic Guan Ping.

"Are you alright?" he asked blankly.

Xing Cai stared at him emotionally before dropping her weapons and embracing him desperately. Guan Ping was taken aback but dropped his sword and embraced her slowly.

"You… scared me…" Xing Cai murmured into his chest.

"I... I did?" Guan Ping wondered out loud.

"I… heard about what happened… at Fan Castle…" she responded softly.

Guan Ping's face darkened. "Something like that… won't happen again."

They stayed silent for a few moments.

"We should go…"

"Yeah…" Xing Cai answered softly. "But… I'm staying with you."

"Xing Cai…"

"No! I won't lose you… I can't…"

Guan Ping smiled lightly. "Alright… come on, we don't have a minute to lose."

The pair released each other, grabbed their weapons and ran off down the path killing Wu soldiers along the way. The Shu morale rose quickly when they heard news of Guan Ping and Xing Cai's powerful teamwork that ripped through the Wu front lines. They had completely cleared out the left side of the battlefield and headed east to continue their assault. However, the path they followed branched off into two directions.

Guan Ping stared down the eastern road. "It would be better if…"

"… we spilt up." Xing Cai finished.

"I'll go down this road and…" Guan Ping started but was cut off by a Xing Cai's fierce embrace.

"Be careful…" she whispered.

Guan Ping stared at her. 'You know… now would be a good time to tell her…' the voice in his head chimed in.

'You think so?' Guan Ping wondered.


"Xing Cai…" Guan Ping started. "I… there's something I need to tell you."

She stared at him curiously.

"I… I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, and now seems to be the best time to do it."

Xing Cai stared at him.

"I…" He took a deep breath. "I…I love you." He breathed.

Xing Cai froze and her heart jumped.

"I've loved you… for a long time and I know that… mphm!"

Xing Cai jumped into his arms and kissed him deeply. It took Guan Ping a few moments to realize what was happening and wrapped his arms around her waist and returned her kiss. His tongue gently pushed its way into her mouth and began probing eagerly. The kiss was so deep and passionate that Guan Ping didn't realize that his manhood had stiffened. His eyes snapped open when he felt Xing Cai rubbing her body gently against his arousal and broke the kiss, while blushing deeply.

"X-xing Cai! I… I'm s-sorry I…" He stammered.

"Shh…" she said gently. "It's ok… Can you walk?"

He turned a deeper shade of red. "I… I think I can manage…"

"You're sure?"


"Good… I wouldn't want to… have to… help you relieve yourself…" she smiled playfully.

"Oh…" His eyes widened. "Well… it would be hard to… uh… fight with…"

"Heh… you missed your chance… but it was a nice try…" she teased.

She gave him another quick kiss. "Good luck!"

Guan Ping smiled and watched her run up the winding road northward. He turned to the path he was taking and took a deep breath.

"Here I go."

Guan Ping started down the path when he heard his name being called. He turned to find a messenger running toward him.

"Lord Guan Ping! I have a report from the scouts!" He cried breathlessly. "The Wu army is setting up a bridge layer across the river!"

"Hmm… they must be planning something." Guan Ping said quietly. "Tell the troops to gather where the bridge will be completed."

The soldier nodded. "Yes my lord!"
"You're in my way!" Xing Cai shouted as she swung her spear in an 180 degree arc in front of her.

Her soldiers watched in awe as she single-handedly took control of the supply base.

'The loss of this base should confuse the Wu army…' Xing Cai thought quietly.

She turned to one of her lieutenants. "If we hurry we can catch them off guard."

"My lady?" he questioned carefully.

"Tell the rest of our unit to pick up the pace. We should press our advantage."

"Yes my lady."

Xing Cai continued onward until she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She winced and turned to examine the cut and noticed an arrow with its head buried in the ground. Her head jerked up and she blocked an on coming arrow with her shield.

'Archer tower…' she thought bitterly. 'Just my luck…'
"Come and get it!" Guan Ping snarled as he viciously slashed through the crowd of Wu soldiers.

He noticed how odd their formation was; it wasn't like the ones he had observed in previous battles.

'It looks like… they're protecting something?' Guan Ping wondered.

Then he saw it: Zhu Ran. They were leading him somewhere… somewhere into Shu's territory. Guan Ping felt it was best to get rid of him. There was something about Zhu Ran that made him uneasy. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted Guan Ping.

"Out of my way." Zhu Ran warned. "I have a mission to accomplish."

"What a coincidence…" Guan Ping smirked. "So do I…"

Guan Ping's head shot up when he noticed two figures appear from behind Zhu Ran. He recognized them as the brawling pirate: Gan Ning and the warrior of benevolence: Ling Tong. Guan Ping steeled himself; this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought…
"Wu's fire attack has been thwarted! All forces push through the enemy lines!"

Liu Bei's announcement spread through the Shu forces like wildfire. Even though Xing Cai disapproved of this battle, she felt a surge of joy run through her.

'He's okay…'

She was ready for anything now. No one would be able to stop her from seeing him again.
Guan Ping rushed through the battlefield. It didn't matter to him that he was alone and going deeper into the heart of the Wu camp. He spotted his target: the young Wu strategist, the young man that helped take away his father's life.

Lu Xun's senses kicked in and turned just in time to avoid Guan Ping's enormous blade. He skillfully avoided the young dragon's vengeful slashes and smirked when the weight of his weapon caused him to stagger and fall to the floor.

"What's happened? Is it already over?" Lu Xun teased as he pressed his blade against Guan Ping's neck.

"Silence Lu Xun!" Guan Ping broke out of his disadvantageous position. "Your time as come; once I have avenged my father, this world shall return to order." He raised his sword, summoning his strength. "Father… Xing Cai… lend me your strength."

He wouldn't fail. He couldn't save his father… but he would save Shu. This time he had something he hadn't had before. Guan Ping knew that his brilliant star would light his path. She would be waiting for him at the end and disappointing her was not an option.


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