Friday, April 30, 2010

More Than Just Friends - Chapter 3: Her Feelings

A slender figure was leaning against a lonely tree watching the brilliant orange sun set in the sky.

'Guan Ping… I hope you'll be okay…' Xing Cai thought sadly.

Her body slowly slid down the trunk of the tree and hugged her legs. Xing Cai's eyes held a sadness that was unbecoming of her. Even though she knew that Guan Ping was a very capable warrior, she couldn't help but feel worried… like something bad was going to happen.


"Xing Cai? Where are you?" Guan Ping called out into the Shu camp.

He finally found her lying in her bed, facing away from him. "Hey… Xing Cai? Is there something…"

"I heard you're heading to Fan Castle." She interrupted him.

"Yeah…I leave tomorrow morning…" He knelt down next to her. "I thought that maybe I could convince father to let you come with us."

"I can't. I'm being called back to Cheng Du to prepare for another battle." Xing Cai said softly.

"I…I see…" Guan Ping said sadly.

Neither of them wanted to be separated now that they haven't seen each other for so long. Guan Ping understood her feelings but their situation couldn't be helped.

"Xing Cai… its not like we're not going to see each other again…"

"You don't know that…"

"Hey… when did you start talking like that? Every battle is a chance to grow and I know that we have a lot of growing left to do."

"I'm going to miss you."

"Xing Cai… look at me. Everything is going to be okay, I promise that we'll see each other again."

Xing Cai wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a deep hug. "You better be right."

End Flashback

'He only left this morning and I miss him already? What's the matter with me?' Xing Cai thought to herself.

A cold breeze blew and caused her to shiver. 'I'd better get back to camp…'

Xing Cai walked sadly through the Shu camp. Many soldiers stared due to the raw emotion that shown through her face; something very unusual indeed. She froze suddenly when she reached an intimidating shadow. Xing Cai looked up and noticed her father staring at her stoically.

"You miss him already?" Zhang Fei asked gruffly.

Xing Cai turned her head to the side slightly and replied softly, "Yeah."

Her father took a step toward her. "And why do you think that is?"

"I-I don't know…" she replied.

Zhang Fei snorted. "That boy must not be worth much then!"

Xing Cai' head immediately shot up. "What!"

"He must not mean much to you at all if you can't even admit your feelings for him to me…" her father replied coolly.

Xing Cai blushed. "Why don't you ever call him by his name?"

"Should I? What reason do I have to do that?"

"I…" she paused. 'Do I? Of course I do!'

"I love him." Xing Cai stated.

Zhang Fei beamed. He never thought much of Guan Ping ever since he realized his feelings for his daughter, but Xing Cai rarely made mistakes and if she says she loves him, then he must be a decent man.

"Perhaps you should tell that to Guan Ping when you see him…"

Xing Cai smiled and hugged her father. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me say it."


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